Produced at the Chateau St Thomas winery in the small town of Kab-elias in the Bekaa Valley. The Touma Family has produced wine and arak here since 1888. Touma is one of Lebanon's premier producer of high quality arak, the Anis flavored liqueur that's ubiquitous throughout Lebanon and most of the Middle East. This one is made exclusively with whole aniseed and never with star anise, anise oils or extracts. The winery ferments grape distillate and then distills it four times with various amounts of water and aniseed added at each stated. It's bottled at a hefty 100 proof this is one of the most complex and pleasurable anis liqueurs on the market. Treat it just like you would Pernod on a hot day and add nice cold water and goes excellently with almost all Lebanese fare. This truly is the "milk of the lions".

Touma Arak "King Of Arak" is a distilled grape that is Anise flavored. This is triple distilled and aged for six months in clay jugs. It has a slight sweetness and a fresh finish.
Traditionally in Lebanon, Arak Touma goes with mezze. It is served in small glasses with 50% Arak and 50% fresh water with ice cubes. In Europe, it is enjoyed as an appetizer with 1/5 arak and 4/5 fresh water with ice cube.