Albacher Premium Lager beer, made exclusively from natural ingredients: water, malt, corn and hops. Brewed according to a traditional German recipe, this beer has a unique and distinctive character, reflected in a pure taste and a perfectly balanced natural flavor; a light beer for you to you enjoy any time.
Albacher beer is a fresh, unpasteurized, cold-filtered beer, brewed by using state-of-the-art technologies. It is a living beer which maintains its character. Due to low-temperature fermentation, the carbon dioxide persists, and the beer maintains its freshness and bubbles long after opening.With an original 11°P extract and 4.8% alcohol, Albacher is a non-pasteurized, pale, straw-colored and crystal-clear premium German Helles-type lager. It has medium bitterness, rendered by the flavor of four types of German hops, with a clean, pleasant taste, refined by the flavor of Perle hops. The beer’s flavor, robustness and fullness are medium-level, with fragrances provided by Pilsen-type malt and balancing malt and hops flavors. It also stands out through a bubbly sensation, due to its high carbon dioxide content. Albacher beer’s unique flavor is obtained by blending natural ingredients and authentic German tradition with the latest production and filtering technology. The genuine natural flavor of Albacher beer is fully retained during the production process, due to state-of-the-art membrane filtration and micro filtering methods replacing the classical filtering process.