Perła Lublin Breweries is one of the largest regional beer producers in Poland, and Perla the biggest independent beer brand. In accordance with the quality policy of the company, great care is put in every stage of the production process Recognition for the products offered by Perła Lublin Breweries has grown with the brewery itself, and constant development of the distribution channels and the expansion into new markets are the effects of this growth.Perła Export
Alcohol content: 5,6 %
A refreshing beer which is the result of the traditional methods of production and the newest solutions used in the brewing industry. It has a characteristic, definite taste, a golden color and the subtle smell of the aromatic hop plants. These qualities make Perła Export a popular product among the young consumers. It is destined for foreign markets, but it is also available in Poland, especially in the Lubelskie region and the select distribution canals around the whole of Poland.