The origin of beer predates recorded history, extending into the mythology of ancient civilization Beer, the first alcoholic beverage, was discovered in dependently the most ancient cultures including Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Africans, Chinese, Incas, Teutons and Saxons.
Timisoreana Beer, a superb hand-crafted Pilsner from Romania, is brewed according to traditional methods. Only the finest fresh hops and malts from Romania-Transylvania. The beer developed there in 1718, is known in Romania.Alcoholic content by volume 4,6-5 %, serve chilled but not below 46 F
Aroma: fragrance that derives from the ingredients may by flowers. Any fermentation drink made from malted, barley, hops, yeast and water.
Bouquet: portion of order caused by fermentation (barley hops, etc.)
Carbon dioxide: the bubbles in the beer are made occurs naturally as a byproduct of fermentation
Hops: the flowers of a perennial vine, they add flavor, aroma and pleasantly bitter “finish’ to beer, hops. Also acts as natural preservative.
Food: the beer can be found that are great for drinking with a variety of meals, from spicy, Mexican, Chinese, Italian dishes, to sandwiches and grilled meats.